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List Campaigns
The deadline for accepting entries for the campaign
The ID of the company associated with the campaign
The date and time when the campaign was created
The limit of members for each group in the campaign
The groups associated with the campaign
The ID of the associated campaign
The ID of the company associated with the campaign group
The date and time when the campaign group was created
The ID of the campaign group
The JID of the campaign group
The number of members in the campaign group
The name of the campaign group
The order of the campaign group
The status of the campaign group
The date and time when the campaign group was last updated
The description of the campaign group
Initial members of the campaign group
The invite link of the campaign group
Logs of the campaign group
The URL of the picture of the campaign group
Settings of the campaign group
The ID of the campaign
Indicates if the campaign is active
The name of the campaign
The release date of the campaign
The date and time when the campaign was last updated
The WhatsApp ID associated with the campaign